Wan Plus Store Apps

Football Photo Soccer Frame 2.0
Football Photo Soccer Frame is an app allowyou to capture photos and then put into a football photo image tocreate a frame as in a photo of a frame like editor’s work.Football Photo Soccer Frame is just a simple app where you can takea photo from inside the app. Then the photo can be attach to any ofthe image frames that available inside the app. You can choosewhichever frame available. After the photo image frame has beencreated, you can share it out with your friends from within theapp.Football Photo Soccer Frame also allow you to put your face intosome player’s body of a football team and act as you are the playerthat is playing in the team because the photo of the face is insidethe image frame.Football Photo Soccer Frame at this moment has 10 photo frames and10 fun photos.The 10 photo frames have different format and the 10 fun photoshave 10 different format such as the players’ body that are wearinga football jersey and playing in the football field.All the photo frames and fun pictures are free pictures fromWikipedia and also from www.footballshirts.com where there are alot of football teams shown there and allow you to buy the teamfootball jersey from their website.Football Photo Soccer Frame also famous football quotes fromvarious football players and football team managers. These famousfootball quotes are famous because what they said affect theplayers and the team to win their football matches and win thechampionships at all.SO, PLEASE DOWNLOAD NOW AND HAVE FUN. TAKE PHOTOS AND PUT INTO THEPHOTO FRAMES AND ALSO PUT YOUR FACE INTO THE PLAYERS TO SHOW THATYOU ARE THE PLAYER PLAYING AT THE FOOTBALL MATCH.
Frechelle’s Shoes:Boot n Shoes 1.0
Do you like fashion shoes? Are you a shoes lover ? Frechelle’sShoes:Boot n Shoes app provide a collection of the best designsfashion shoes ideally for women and children. Frechelle’sShoes:Boot n Shoes application collects the best designs and ideasof women's shoes, see products and order from this app here. Wehave various types of shoes from boots to dinner wear to casualwear shoes. We also have children shoes suitable from the age of 3years old up to 20 years old. Features in this Frechelle’sShoes:Boot n Shoes app: - Find your favourite shoes. - See highquality images. - Share with your friends the shoes that you like(Email, Facebook, twitter) - See where is our shop location. -Order immediately and pay immediately to confirm your purchase.Frechelle’s Shoes:Boot n Shoes is Easy to use. Frechelle’sShoes:Boot n Shoes is also an online store.
Boots & Shoes @ Frechelle’s 2.0
Boots & Shoes @ Frechelle’s is an ideal mobile online app thatshows you all the women’s fashion boots and shoes available forsales online or offline. This is an online shopping mobile app thatprovide a listing of all ladies and kids shoes available in themarket. Nowadays, ladies fashion shoes and also kids fashion aremost likely sought items among the young women and young kids butmost senior women adults also looking for fashionable shoesespecially boots, high heels, wedges, sandals and sneakers. Boots& Shoes @ Frechelle’s is an mobile app for the shoes onlineshopping place cater for online purchases whereas there is anoffline physical store located at Jaya Shopping Centre Mall atSection 14, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia just opposite theDigital Mall. At the physical store, there are much more variety ofchoices of shoes available but we will do the best to include allshoes into the mobile app so as to let more boots lovers and shoeslovers to get their favourite shoes. In this app, Boots & Shoes@ Frechelle’s and also at the physical shoes shop, we have varioustypes of shoes. They are boots, sneakers, sandals, high heels from2” high to high heels of 6” inches high, wedges, stilettos, wedgessandals, mary jane shoes, flat shoes, comfortable shoes, platformshoes and platform heels, high heeled boots, ankle strap heels,high heel sandals, flat sandals, tall boots, block heel shoes,canvas sneakers, jelly shoes and much more varieties to be includedsoon. Most of the shoes listed are for ladies but we also catersome variety of shoes for kids as well as for men. Boots &Shoes @ Frechelle’s contains all the photos of the shoes availablefor sales. Most shoes listing covers the brief description of theshoes, the colors available and also the size available. All shoescan be purchased through this mobile app and pay through PayPalsystem either using PayPal accounts or using credit card directlybut via PayPal system. Besides purchasing our products, this appwill also send notifications to all mobile users that havedownloaded into their mobile devices. These notifications includelatest news, latest products, latest promotions, discount vouchercodes and any updates that will be sent out wherever there is any.Boots & Shoes @ Frechelle’s mobile app is managed by Wan PlusEnterprise (002285482-U). We are located in Petaling Jaya,Selangor, MALAYSIA. As mentioned above, currently, we have onephysical shop at Jaya Shopping Centre, Section 14, Petaling Jaya,Selangor, just opposite Digital Mall, the largest mall sellingdigital devices from smartphones, tablets to computes and laptopsand also all other IT gadgets and accessories. Our physical shopname is called “Frechelle’s Shoes” and it is open daily from10.00am to 10.00pm (Malaysian Time). We also cater for any exchangebut subject to terms and conditions based on the purchase.
Recipe Eggs Cooking Book 1.0
Are you into cooking? Are you interested in cooking? RecipeEggsCooking Book is an ebook just for you that is into cooking.Thereare a lot of ways to cook and there are also a lot of thingstocook. One of the very basic ingredient in the many recipe ofdishesin the book that are easy to cook is the EGG. There are a lotofmany ways to cook egg. Whether it is just for a simple meal,asimple dish or just a simple food to have a quick bite, egg isthemost convenience ingredient, the most convenience item to cookfor.With just one simple normal egg, there are many ways show intheebook to just cook a simple egg to eat as shown in thereader.Whether you just want boil it or just fry it, a simple eggcanallow you to enjoy your egg whichever and whatever you want.ThisRecipe Eggs Cooking Book ebook is just what you want. ThisRecipeEggs Cooking Book ebook is a simple ebook that teach you manymanyvariety different ways to cook an egg. From just a simplefrying ofthe egg as one of the recipe in this book is to create anomelettewith various ways to add on the top will make feel you area veryprofessional cook that can have special ways to cook an egg.ThisRecipe Eggs Cooking Book ebook is free to you. It contains 4(four)parts of recipe in the contents of the book. The first partisvarious way to create sauce for the eggs. The second part isthemain part which is to show you all the steps to cook an egg.Thethird part is to show you how to cook an omelette and thefourthpart which is the last part is the way to cook sweetomelettes.Here are more details of the ebook inside the contents inthereader. 1. SAUCES English Drawn Butter, Plain Hollandaise;Anchovy,Bechamel, Tarragon, Horseradish, Cream or White, BrownButter,Perigueux, Tomato, Paprika, Curry, Italian 2. COOKING OFEGGS ToPreserve Eggs, Egging and Crumbing, Shirred Eggs, Mexicana,On aPlate, de Lesseps, Meyerbeer, a la Reine, au Miroir, a laPaysanne,a la Trinidad, Rossini, Baked in Tomato Sauce, a laMartin, a laValenciennes, Fillets, a la Suisse, with Nut-BrownButter,Timbales, Coquelicot, Suzette, en Cocotte. Steamed in theShell,Birds' Nests, Eggs en Panade, Egg Pudding, a la Bonne Femme,ToPoach Eggs, Eggs Mirabeau, Norwegian, Prescourt,Courtland,Louisiana, Richmond, Hungarian, Nova Scotia, Lakme,Malikoff,Virginia, Japanese, a la Windsor, Buckingham, Poached onFriedTomatoes, a la Finnois, a la Gretna, a l'Imperatrice,withChestnuts, a la Regence, a la Livingstone, Mornay, Zanzibar,MonteBello, a la Bourbon, Bernaise, a la Rorer, Benedict, ToHard-boil,Creole, Curried, Beauregard, Lafayette, Jefferson,Washington, auGratin, Deviled, a la Tripe, a l'Aurore, a laDauphin, a laBennett, Brouilli, Scalloped, Farci, Balls, DeviledSalad, JapaneseHard, en Marinade, a la Polonnaise, a la Hyde, a laVinaigrette, ala Russe, Lyonnaise, Croquettes, Chops, PlainScrambled, Scrambledwith Chipped Beef, Scrambled with Lettuce,Scrambled with Shrimps,Scrambled with Fresh Tomatoes, Scrambledwith Rice and Tomato,Scrambled with Asparagus Tips, Egg Flip 3.OMELETS Omelet withAsparagus Tips, with Green Peas, Havana, withTomato Sauce, withOysters, with Sweetbreads, with Tomatoes, withHam, with Cheese,with Fine Herbs, Spanish, Jardiniere, with FreshMushrooms,O'Brien, with Potatoes 4. SWEET OMELETS Omelet a laWashington,with Rum, Swiss Souffle, a la Duchesse, SouffleEverything insidethis ebook is simple to read and easy to follow.Just follow allthese easy simple steps and you will enjoy a simplemeal with youand your loved one, your relatives and your friends asthough theyknow you are such a great cook you are. Download thisRecipe EggsCooking Book now to complete your knowledge of many waysto justcook an egg.
Toastmasters D102 Div C 2.1
Toastmasters D102 Div C is an app cater forToastmastersInternational members of District 102 Division C whichis locatedin Klang Valley of Peninsular Malaysia that manage thepublicspeaking areas and clubs within the division. Not everyonejustwant to be a speaker but also to lead their way to the nextlevel.Toastmasters D102 Div C provides leaders of Division Cmembers toknow their international standard of areas’ and clubs’speakersthat allow that to show their competent speech andleadershipskills in public speaking and leadership environment inthe cluband the whole division. Toastmasters D102 Div C allowmembers tobecome Division council inside the District 102 whichchangeleadership within a term from the month of July to the monthofJune of the following year. This is an internationalrequirementset by Toastmasters World Body so that new leaders canbe selectedfrom the club to lead the role of leaders within theareas to theDivision as well as in the District. Therefore, membersare notonly as speakers but also to ensure they can lead the stageaswell. Toastmasters D102 Div C does not only provide platformofallowing everyone to search for Toastmasters Clubs insideDivisionC but also allow leaders to organize and run club contests,areacontests up to the division contests based on the rulesandregulations of the world body and this app will be abletohighlight all the winners of the contests such as theInternationalSpeech, Humorous Speech, Evaluation and Table Topicscontests.Speakers are now recognised as the contests’ winners inthe list.Toastmasters D102 Div C can be used as a guideline toalloweveryone no matter as an Toastmasters member or leader or justaguest to find and search for any public speaking clubs withinthearea of the division so that they can attend any meetings oreventsand to learn from the speakers and leaders to achievetheirobjective of personal development up to theinternationalstandards. This app consists of few buttons ofselections. Thebuttons are About the Division, the Division Councillist and thecontacts, all clubs within the division and there is asearchbutton to search for any club based on the club’s name, listofevents and activities that are constantly been held for thebenefitof all members not only for Division C and also allowmembers fromother division such within the District 102,highlighting all thewinners of the contests from the club level upto the area andtoward the division level contests and finally somesocial and funpart such as the facebook page of Division C, sharingof this appand also a simple casual game to play while waiting forthemeetings or events to proceed or while too boring inwhateversituation. With that, public speaking are not only just away forpersonal development but also to allow a person to showtheircompetent skills to achieve to the next level that not onlyshowingat the lowest club level but also at the higher level ormaybe thehighest level in the contests that show a personoverallperformance from the development of maintaining thestandards ofgiving special interesting speeches for everyone toenjoy. So,everyone whether they are Toastmaster or non-Toastmaster,a leaderor just a follower, a normal speaker or a well recognisedpublicfigure that can give tremendous outstanding speech thatcaninfluence an individual to make a change, use this app asanadvantage to seek for a platform to speak and to lead. Not justusethis app BUT also share it with everyone that may be mostneededit. Let them know the benefit of this app but also let themknowthe benefit of Toastmasters International platform for apersonalpublic speaking and leadership development to the highestlevel. ##DOWNLOAD THIS APP NOW. THERE IS NO COST TO DOWNLOAD. IT ISFREE ANDCAN BE USE BY ANYONE WHETHER THEY LIKE IT OR NOT. THIS ISWHAT WECALLED FRIENDS HELPING FRIENDS SUCCEED AND WHERE LEADERS AREMADE.##
EBook Reading the Mind FREE BOOK 1.0
Do you read your mind? Do you know how to read your mind? Doyouknow how to control your mind? Do you feel great after you knowhowto read your mind and control your mind? If you want to know howtoread your mind, download this free ebook NOW!!! EBook ReadingtheMind FREE BOOK is the book to allow you to learn how to readyourmind and control your mind. It’s important that we discussthesteps of the practice in training the mind, for the mind hasallsorts of deceptions by which it fools itself. If youaren’tskillful in investigating and seeing through them, they areverydifficult to overcome even if you are continually mindful tokeepwatch over the mind. You have to make an effort to learn andfocusto read your mind and on contemplating these things at alltimes.Mindfulness on its own won’t be able to give rise to anyrealknowledge. At best, it can give you only a littleprotectionagainst the effects of sensory contact. If you don’t makea focusedcontemplation, the mind won’t be able to give rise to anyknowledgewithin itself at all. EBook Reading the Mind FREE BOOK waswrittenby K. Khao-suan-luang. Khao-suan-luang is the name of asecluded,picturesque hill about twenty kilometers from Rajburi,near whereher uncle and aunt lived. Whenever she visited them, shealwaysfelt comfortable there and eventually, in 1945, persuadedherrelatives to move their house over to the hill. This wasthebeginning the first three members—of the community which waslaterto develop there. The real name of the author of EBook ReadingtheMind FREE BOOK is Kee Nanayon. She was born in 1901 intheprovincial town of Rajburi, about a hundred kilometres westofBangkok. When she was young, she liked to visit the nearbyBuddhistmonastery, especially on the weekly Observance Day whenshelistened to Dhamma from the monks and kept the EightPrecepts.Sometimes she would rest from her work around the housebydeveloping tranquillity meditation in any suitably quietcorner.Inside the EBook Reading the Mind FREE BOOK, it tells youthat whyyou have to train yourself to learn about to read yourminds to beconstantly aware all around. When you come to knowanything forwhat it really is, there’s nothing but letting go. Onthe beginninglevel, this means that the mind won’t give rise to anyunwise orunprofitable thoughts it will simply stop to watch, stopto knowwithin itself at all times. If there’s anything you have tothinkabout, keep your thoughts on the themes of inconstancy, stressandlack of self. You have to keep the mind thinking andlabelingsolely in reference to these sorts of themes, for if yourthinkingand labeling are right, you’ll come to see things rightly.If yougo the opposite way, you’ll have to think wrongly and labelthingswrongly, and that means you’ll have to see things wrongly aswell.This is what keeps the mind completely hidden from itself.EBookReading the Mind FREE BOOK is the book for you. This Ebook isamobile Reader and is free download with this ePub mobile appandyou can read this book anytime and anywhere. Share this ePubReaderwith your friends, relatives and even enemies so that we allcanown this ebook and with this book, you can read the mindofeveryone so that we can be good to each other and eliminateanyhating and wars within the human community. This book can bereadby anyone regardless of any religious. However, it is up to youtodecide if this book contains any element of any religiouscontentssuch as the Buddhism teaching. You have to have an openmind toread this book and eliminate of any connection toBuddhismteaching. This book will not let you down whether you areBuddhist,Christian, Muslims or whatever religions that you arebelieving in.This book as well as the author do not spread anyBuddhism teachingand it is your FREE MIND and FREE SOUL to knowabout reading themind and to control your mind based on what youwant to achieve.HAPPY READING !!!
Strange Pineapple Hero 1.0.0
Strange Pineapple Hero is a dropping item game that allow you tobeaddicted to this game. Strange Pineapple Hero is a simplestrangegame that make you a hero to be addicted to this gamebecause it isvery easy future game to battle and play and then youwill be keepon playing this game non-stop and you don’t want tostop playing itat all. All you need to do is to be mobile enough tobe a legendand you do not need to fire any bang bang kind ofshooting tocompete in this game. Strange Pineapple Hero highlightsa strangeman and he is the funny hero man which he is a mobilepersonbecause he has wings attached on his back that allow him tofly andbattle non-stop without bang into anything and what he doesis justto drop his pineapples to bang into a basket below.StrangePineapple Hero is a very addicted strange game because itmakes youa hero that wanted to play more due to the addiction tohave morepineapples and able to catch the pineapples in the basket.Withmore future pineapples dropped into the basket, you will havemorepoints and achieve the highest battle score so that you willbesatisfied and you will become the legend of pineapple man.Whatthis game do is that he will fly first from left to rightandholding a pineapple to get ready to drop and crush into thebasketbelow him on the land. He can only has 1 pineapple per flightandhe must be careful so that he can drop the pineapple fruitrightinto the basket without dropping to outside of the basket.After hedropped a pineapple, he will not has a pineapple fruitanymore andthus he has to start over again to fly from left toright to dropanother fruit into the basket. The pineapple must bedropped intothe basket in order to get points. If the fruit did notlanded intothe basket, then there will be no point and wait foranotherpineapple to be dropped. During the game, there will be amonsterappeared once a while to distract you so that you will notable todrop the pineapple into the basket and then you will notable toget a point. You will only have five (5) chances to play inthisgame. Once you dropped 5 of the pineapple fruits outside ofthebasket, then it will be GAME OVER. Then, you will check yourscoreand compare your score with the highest score of the game. Ifyouare not satisfy with your score because you are still belowthehigh score, then you will want to play again and again so thatyouwill always wanted to play non-stop and that is why this gamewillbecome a very addicted game in your whole life. This game isalsovery mobile because you can play this game anytime anywherewhetheryou are online or offline. Start to DOWNLOAD this game NOWandstart to PLAY this game NOW. You will not be exhausted andtiredplaying this game because this game will also boost up yourbrainto aim properly targeting the dropping of the fruits intothebasket below. After you downloaded and played this game, youwillnot feel like want to delete or remove this game anymore.ENJOYTHIS GAME !!! I would like to give credit to Silly FunKevinMacLeod (incompetech.com) for allowing me to use the free songinthis app. Thank you.
Soccer – The Pursuit of World Cup Knowledge Quiz 1.1
Are you a soccer fan ? Are you a football fan ? Do you reallyknowyour soccer knowledge ? Do you really know all the WorldCupfootball finals details ? Soccer – The Pursuit of WorldCupKnowledge Quiz is a simple mobile app to test your knowledgeofWorld Cup football finals. The quiz questions are easytounderstand and easy for you to answer. Soccer – The PursuitofWorld Cup Knowledge Quiz allows you to check whether you arereallyknows all the history about the football world greatest eventinthe world, the World Cup Football Finals. Soccer – The PursuitofWorld Cup Knowledge Quiz also let you know how good you aretoanswer all the quiz questions and give you the GRADE thatyouqualified based on the number of quiz questions that youhaveanswer correctly. From Champion of Champions to just noknowledgeof football, this will determine you whether you are thegreatestWorld Cup Football fans or just a nobody in football world.Soccer– The Pursuit of World Cup Knowledge Quiz also make you wanttochallenge yourself with all your friends, so that you cancomparewith them whose are among the best to know about soccer. So,letshare this mobile app Soccer – The Pursuit of World CupKnowledgeQuiz and have fun to challenge each other to see if youcan be theCHAMPION of the CHAMPIONS.
FrostBiters Ice Hockey Camp 1.1
Frostbiters Ice Hockey Club (Frostbiters) is registered withtheSports Commission of Malaysia, under the Sports DevelopmentAct1997. The Club will be having its inaugural ice hockey campfrom4th – 7th July 2018 and this mobile app provides informationaboutthe camp. The camp will be held at the Malaysia NationalIceSkating Stadium (MyNISS) at Empire City, Damansara in theCapitalCity of Kuala Lumpur. Information contained in this mobileappinclude the Coaches' profiles, daily camp programmesandphotographs would also be uploaded regularly. Any otherrelatedClub announcements would also be posted in this app.Contactinformation of Frostbiters' Administrator would also beavailablein this mobile app, should anyone be interested in gettingto knowFrostbiters. Enquiries such as memberships, trainingprogrammes andfuture events could be posted by using this mobileapp.Frostbiters' Facebook page could also be accessed via thismobileapp. Download our hockey camp mobile app to find out more.
IT Essentials Quiz 1.0
Information Computer Technology Essentials IT Professional Quizknowledge
Let’s Go Nuts 2.0
Let’s enjoy and go buy Almond Nuts to eat and relax to a healthymind and body
Toast Masters Quiz - Trivial G 2.0
Toast Masters Quiz with questions of Trivial game for you to crackand learn
Visit England Uncommon Places 2.0
Visit Travel England Uncommon Places football unusual hotel bookingplanning
Reading the Mind eBook
Reading the Mind eBook FREE BOOK meditation Dhamma relax gifteducation talk
Malaysia Merdeka Wallpapers 1.0
Malaysia National Merdeka Day Wallpapers with Flags and Picturesfor Background
District 102 Division E 2.0
Division E of District 102 Club Directories of InternationalinToast Masters